Sunday, March 16, 2008

Titan Track Update - March 10

The first week of Outdoor Track and Field at Syracuse High was a huge success. Over 125 took part in the workouts. That’s the good news. The bad news is that only about 50 made it to all five workouts. If we can get 125 to all of the workouts, this is going to be a great program. In years to come, you will be able to look back and take pride in the fact that you helped build Titan Track into a State power.
Some of you receiving this email have not been to a workout- many of you have been excused. For those who are not sure if they should give Track and Field a try, here’s a hint: It’s easier to join the Track TEAM than it is to run away from me for the rest of the year. I’ll hunt you down. Hey, come out, give the sport an honest effort. There’s a money back guarantee: If you join the TEAM, work hard, and at the end of the season feel like it wasn’t worth the effort, I will reimburse you for any expenses you have had. That includes fees, shoes, equipment, etc.

This is a learning experience for all of us- including the coaches. There isn’t a TEAM in the State with less experience. But, we will overcome that inexperience by working harder than other teams.
Track is a tough sport to coach. There are 14 individual events and three relays. With only five coaches, much of what you do will be on your own. It is important that the more experienced athletes help the “rookies” when a coach isn’t available.
Great job on the workouts!! Most put forth an honest effort to complete the workout to the best of their ability. The time trials Friday showed us that the potential is there: we just have to develop it.

The Track “Bible”, event handouts and videos will be kept in the Announcer’s Booth. Pick them up, check them out, become a student of your event.

Workouts- We will be doing more speed in all of the track events. We will also be working on handoffs in preparation for the first meet. While some things will change in preparation for the first meet, the main focus of the workouts will remain to get you ready for Region and State in May.
Wednesday- Everyone who has turned in all forms (Yellow Info Card, Physical, Tryout Checklist, Code of Conduct), paid their fees, cleared their U’s, and is academically eligible will receive warmups and a uniform after practice.
Friday- FIRST TITAN TRACK MEET. We will go against Woods Cross and East at WX. All eligible athletes will be excused at 1:15. The bus will leave at 1:30. Our main goal is to gain some experience. But we will also put people into events to give us the best chance to win the meet.

If you’ve read this email, come to room 2118 Monday morning. The first one to correctly answer a question will win $10 or a t-shirt (your choice).

Mar 12 Uniform Checkout
Mar 14 Syr/East @ Woods Cross
Mar 19 Syr/Clfd @ Fremont
Mar 26 Syr @ Northridge

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